2016-2017 SEASON
Express Player’s Club Fee $3,189.00+ HST
Club Equipment Plan $1,000.00 + HST
League Fees (payable to league) $1,136.00 + HST
NOJHL Showcase fees (payable to league ) $ 350.00 + HST
Total Team and League fees payable for
2016-17 regular season $5,650.00+ HST
Billet Fee $500.00/month
Espanola Express Refund Policy: as per attached form and conditions below
Equipment will be the property of the player as long as the fee is paid in full _____________________________________________
All Players who are traded and/or released, or who suffer a season ending injury, are entitled to a refund of any participation fee based on the number of Club games remaining in the regular season schedule. As per “REFUND of the Player’s Club Fee” attached.
In the event the Player quits and/or leaves the Club anytime during the season, from the first regular season game and or beyond, there will be no League and or Club Refund.
Any violation of the League and/or Club Policies could result in suspension, loss of playing privileges and/or dismissal from Club, with or without any Refund at the discretion of the NOJHL Commissioner
2016 -17 Standard Player Agreement
(Hereinafter called the ‘Club)OF THE FIRST PART
DRAFT (Hereinafter called the ‘Player’)
DRAFT (Hereinafter called the ‘Parents’)
WHEREAS the Club is a registered Junior A Hockey Club playing in the Northern Ontario Junior Hockey League and operating out of the city/town of ESPANOLA in the Province of Ontario
- The purpose of this agreement is to provide an outline and guide lines for all Players that play for the Espanola Express Hockey Club as to what is allowed and expected with the participation within the NOJHL and the Espanola Express Hockey Club.
- This agreement will be enforceable by the Commissioner of the NOJHL and all sanctions and discipline rulings are not appealable to the NOHA, CJHL, OHF or Hockey Canada.
This agreement is set out in the following section:
NOJHL Player’s League Fee: $1,136.00 +HST =$1,283.68
Showcase Fee: $350.00 + HST =$395.50
The player will pay this amount $1,679.18 to the Club who will then transfer this amount to the League Office.
Equipment deal:
- Skaters Fee: $1,000.00 + HST
- …. 3 Sticks, gloves, shell, helmet, equipment bag, track suit and other apparel.
- Goalies Fee: $N/A + HST
- ….N/A
The equipment mention above will be the property of the player as long as all fees club and league fees have been paid in full.
Player’s Club Fee: $3,189.00 + HST (This amount does not include the NOJHL Player’s League Fee, Showcase Fee and the Equipment deal)
Players Club Fee is non refundable if player quits, is sent home or suspended from team for violation of team or league code of conduct or for violation of the team billet agreement.
Player’s Club Fees include:
- 6 exhibition games
- Labour Day weekend road trip to Cochrane four a exhibition tournament (transportation, food and lodging provided)
- 54 games ( average 2-3 per week)
- 2 game NOJHL Player Showcase tournament
- Transportation to and from road games
- Insurance
- League referees and officials
- Consideration to be chosen for world jr. A camp
- Consideration to be chosen for Central Canada All Star Team
- Concussion safety program
- Road trip meals and hotel lodging
- Complex gym membership and access to all complex amenities, including on site weight and cardio training facility, pool, racquet ball courts and gymnasium
- Personal trainer, team nurse practitioner
- Discounted rates for team physiotherapist and message therapist
- Discounted rates for sticks and other equipment
- 5 practices per week where schedule permits
- Dedicated team dressing room
- Gatorade, tape, game and practice jerseys, socks, medical supplies and other necessary supplies.
Billet Fees: $500.00 / month
- All fees are paid to the billet family at the first of the month by post-dated cheque, which are to be provided to the team before Sep 1/16.
- Player must abide by team billet policies
- Post dated cheques required as follows where applicable:
- August 18th $250.00
- September 1st $500.00
- October 1st $500.00
- November 1st $500.00
- Dec 1st $500.00
- Jan 1st $500.00
- Feb 1st $500.00
- Mar 1st – 15th $250.00
- Additional billet payments will be required based on playoff performance at same rate.
Community Service:
- Player will attend all team functions and community services as required by coaching staff and management.
CLUB code of conduct:
- Player will read and sign separate team code of conduct agreement
Payment Plans:
Option A: Full payment of the NOJHL Player’s League Fee, Showcase Fee and Player’s Club Fee upon signing this agreement.
Option B: Payment arrangements may be discussed on a case-by-case basis, All team and league fees must be paid in full by September 9th, 2016. Administration fee may apply for this option.
For each Player, the NOJHL Player’s League Fee has to be paid in full before playing their first game (if the money is paid by payment the first payment has to be equal or greater than the NOJHL League Fee)
Player Discipline:
The parties confirm, acknowledge and agree that any violation of the
terms of this agreement will constitute a breach of the fundamental
principles of the Espanola Express Jr. “A” Hockey club agreement
and in the case of a violation on any of the provisions of these terms
may result in the immediate suspension or termination of the Player
and will omit any such participation in any Northern Ontario Junior A
Hockey League activities involving the teams, including, without
limitation, practices and games, for any period of time deemed fit by
the Express up to the remainder of the season.
By signing this agreement it is clearly understood by both the hockey
club, the player and the parent signing that each party by way of
signature is giving a commitment to each, the player and parent to the
team and vice versa, the team to the player and is a legally
binding contract.. All decisions by team management are final and may not be appealed to the NOJHL, CJHL, NOHA, the OHF or Hockey Canada.
By signing this agreement, all parties fully understand the meaning of this agreement and have indicated so by signing it of their own free will.
___________________________________________ _____________________________________________
Player’s Name (Print) Player’s Signature
________________________________________ _____________________________________________
Parents’ Name if player is under 18 (Print) Parents’ Signature
________________________________________ ____________________________________________
ClubOfficial Name (Print) Club Official Signature
Three copies most be completed and distributed as follows:
- One to the League Office
- One to the Player
- One to the Club